Back Door I am looking for a back door, a secret passage, to the garden of life, the end of strife, in a world gone mad with disruption and disorder. I am looking for a world of art and beauty, music and poetry, laughing children, dancing eyes, butterflies; a place of grace far from the carnival of mayhem, Macbeth, and murther. I am looking for a childhood memory that has been despoiled by angry looks, harsh voices, and grabbing hands. I am looking for that which no longer exists, maybe never did, but lives somewhere deep in memory. I am looking for a smile, a kind voice, a welcoming hand, flowers, and a fountain in a garden. I am looking for more than more of the same, endless struggles, tussles, in a world gone mad with disruption and disorder. I am looking for a back door, a secret passage. |
—By Louis Martin |