旅   夜  书   怀
lǚ    yè  shū  huái
journey night writing think
Thinking About My Writing on a Night Journey

杜 甫
dù  fǔ
Du Fu

细    草    微    风    岸,
xì    cǎo   wēi  fēng  àn,
slender grass/reeds tiny/faint wind bank,
Slender reeds and a faint breeze along the banks,

危     樯     独     夜     舟.
wēi qiáng   dú     yè    zhōu.
danger mast alone night boat.
a boat with a high mast alone in the night.

 星    垂    平    野    阔,
xīng chuí píng   yě    kuò,
star bend down flat field wide,
The stars bend down over the flat, wide field,

 月    涌    大    江    流.
yuè yǒng   dà  jiāng  liú.
moon rush forth big river flow.
the moon rises over the big flowing river.

  名     岂     文     章     著,
míng    qǐ   wén  zhāng  zhù,
famous how literary works write,
How am I famous for my literary works?

 官    因    老    病    休.
guān yīn    lǎo  bìng  xiū.
official cause old illness rest.
I am retired because I am old and sick.

  飘    飘    何    所    似
piāo  piāo   hé   suǒ     sì
floating floating what actually resemble
Floating, floating, what I actually resemble is

 天    地    一    沙    鸥.
tiān    dì     yī    shā    ōu.
sky earth one raspy gull.
a raspy gull between heaven and earth.
—Translated by Louis Martin